
Mobius Management Platform Installation

All Mobius products are designed as parts of a large distributed system installed as the cluster. It is up to you to decide which parts shall work together, and which parts shall remain standalone.  

All parts (product servers) that are planned to work together should be set up as a single cluster sharing the same Cluster name (e.g. “main”). The Node ID should be unique for each product server (for example, “ussd001”), but the product servers that share the same cluster also share the same general configuration settings, authentication data, storage parameters, database etc. So during the installation of any Mobius product to the different server (node) on the same cluster (where you have another Mobius product operating already), you only need to confirm that you will use the same configuration database, and the Install wizard loads all required options from it automatically and requests only the data that lacks (for example, the new license). 

The servers for the standalone products are to be set up independently, the single clustered server for the single product. That means you should specify different Cluster names (e.g. “cluster1”, “cluster2” etc.) when installing and configuring these products. The requirements for the cluster nodes remain the same (unique Node ID for each product server), however that does not make much difference, as there shall be only single standalone products, and their server cluster structure ensures only the operations reliability. 

Product Installation Prerequisites 

  • Linux (Ubuntu) operating system with Chrome browser installed 

  • Mongo DB installed 

  • Java 8 or higher version installed 

General Product Settings 

These settings are to be entered during the installation and can be tuned up later, too. 

Connection string format 

Mobius services use various data providers to store the required information and make access to this data distributed for a bunch of clients.  

The different data providers may be used on different stages (e.g. you can have Mongo for Configuration and Authentication, and S3 for Storage). 

To properly access that data the connection string is to be used. Depending on the data provider the connection string format differs as follows: 

S3 (Amazon Web Services, AWS) 



Connection string format 




Amazon Web Services (AWS) region. For the list of region codes, see AWS service endpoints


Bucket name that contains the files 


Login credentials. For information, see Using secrets from vaults in connections.  

The details on login credentials are also explained here: and here: 




Connection string format 



Optional. Authentication credentials. 


The host (and optional port number) where the Mongo is running. You can specify a hostname, IP address, or UNIX domain socket. If the port number is not specified, the default port 27017 is used. 


The authentication database to use. 


Optional. A query string that specifies connection specific options as <name>=<value> pairs. See Connection String Options for a full description of these options. 




Connection string format 

Local folder address (full path) where the json or xml config files are stored. 

Configuration Settings 

Configuration provider defines where the master data related to Mobius products installation would be stored and how. 



Cluster Name 

The cluster your Mobius Management Platform is installed to 

Node ID 

The node ID your Mobius Management Platform is installed to. Node ID should be unique for each product server.  

Configuration Provider 

There are several types of providers that rely on various configuration sources. Mobius Management Platform uses the following: 

  • S3 – the configuration is stored at Amazon database 

  • Mongo – the configuration is stored at Mongo database 

  • JSON – the configuration is stored at local JSON file 

  • XML – the configuration is stored at local XML file 

Connection String 

Connection string used for configuration provider. See Connection string format for the details. 

Authentication Settings 

Authentication providers define users and roles used for authentication. User names, IDs, and passwords are some examples of information stored in the providers. 



Authentication Provider 

 Mobius Management Platform uses the following: 

  • Mongo – the authentication data is stored at Mongo database 

Connection String 

Connection string used for authentication provider. See Connection string format for the details. 

Storage Settings 

A cloud storage provider hosts a customer's data in its own data center, providing fee-based computing, networking and storage infrastructure. Rather than store data on local storage devices, such as a hard disk drive, flash storage or tape, customers choose a cloud storage provider to host data on a system in a remote data center. These files can be accessed then from all servers where Mobius products are installed. 



Storage Provider 

Mobius U Management Platform uses the following: 

  • S3 – the files are stored at Amazon 

Storage String 

Connection string used for storage provider. See Connection string format for the details. 

Images Settings 

Some Mobius products require images for their work (e.g. icons, product logo, etc.). These images for better accessibility are stored in the Storage location (specified in Storage Settings before), but with some additional parameters. 



Images Host  

The host address (located at previously defined Storage) where your images are stored. 

Images Folder 

The folder (at the defined host) where your images are stored. 


Whether your images are to be stored in archived form. 

Store revalidation 

Whether the revalidation is required for Store operation. 


Proxy revalidation 

Whether the revalidation is required for Proxy operation. 

Max Age 

Due to the storage service usage terms your images could be stored only temporarily. Please specify the “life period” after which they will be automatically deleted. 

Shared Max Age 

Due to the storage service usage terms your shared images could be stored only temporarily. Please specify the “life period” after which they will be automatically deleted. 


Web Settings 

Parameters for Mobius Management Platform Web server configuration, used to manage the installed Mobius product via Web or API. 




IP address for the Mobius Management Platform. 


Port settings used to address the Mobius Management Platform on the IP address specified. 


Non-trusted or trusted connection. 


Whether the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is to be enabled by your Mobius Management Platform. If several products are to be integrated, CORS is required for all of them. 

Client state password 

Data accessed via the web is to be additionally protected. Mobius uses 32-char long, strong, and unique passwords. You can set one, for example, via the Random Password Generator 

Note: one key is to be used for one cluster. 


SSL Settings 

Additional parameters for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection to Mobius Management Platform. Used only if Trusted connection is chosen at Web Settings

Note: The SSL data is provided in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format which is de facto standard for storing and sending cryptographic keys, certificates, etc.  




Digital certificate that authenticates a website's identity and enables an encrypted connection. 

Certificate Chain 

An ordered list of certificates, containing an SSL/TLS Certificate and Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates, that enable the receiver to verify that the sender and all CA's are trustworthy. 

Private Key 

SSL uses two long strings of randomly generated numbers, which are known as private and public keys. A public key is available to the public domain as it is a part of your SSL certificate and is made known to your server; a private key remains a secret only you know. 

Whitelabel Settings 

The parameters of the installed Mobius product as the user will see it. 



Product Name 

Name of the installed product reproduced on the general page. You may rename it for your own taste. 

Product Title 

Title of the installed product reproduced at the browser tab heading. You may rename it for your own taste. 

Product Icon 

The product icon shown in the main menu and browser tab heading. You may use the default icon or upload your own, and it will be stored with all product images, see  Images_Settings

Favorites Icon 

The favorites icon shown in the main menu. You may use the default icon or upload your own, and it will be stored with all product images, see  Images_Settings

Database Settings 

Parameters used to control how the Mobius product is accessing the database. 



Core Workers 


The number of core modules addressing the database, as planned. The range is 2-16, max value is 2 * number of processors (e.g. if the server has 4 CPU, the Core Workers number should not exceed 8). 

Initial Connections per Worker 

Total number of core-DB connections, initially. You can play with these values later if the connection to the database is slow. 

Max Connections per Worker 

Total number of core-DB connections, max. You can play with these values later if the connection to the database is slow. 

DB name 

The database where the main service information is stored. Mobius USSD Gateway uses only Mongo DB here. 

DB connection string 

Connection string used for data provider. See Connection string format for the details. 

Reporting Settings 

Parameters used to control Mobius Management Platform reporting. The statistics reports are stored in a separate stats database. 





Reporting period. You can select whether it will be done once per minute, once per hour, once per day, or once per month. 

Stats Initial Connections 

Total number of Stats-DB connections, initially. You can play with these values later if the connection to the database is slow. 

Stats Max Connections 

Total number of Stats-DB connections, max. You can play with these values later if the connection to the database is slow. 

Stats DB name 

The database where the service stats information to be reported is stored. Mobius USSD Gateway uses only Mongo DB here. 

Stats DB connection string 

Connection string used for data provider. See Connection string format for the details.

History Expiration 

Statistics report expiration period, in seconds (total). 

Hourly History Expiration 

Statistics report expiration period, in seconds (hourly stats). 

Daily History Expiration 

Statistics report expiration period, in seconds (daily stats). 

Monthly History Expiration 

Statistics report expiration period, in seconds (monthly stats). 

Statsd Host Statictics database host address for external connection
Statsd Port Statictics database host port for external connection

License Settings 

The Mobius product license itself. All Mobius products require a valid license to be operable. 



Existing license 


Optional field. Used only during the installation if you already have license data in your database (e,g, for the license that has been revoked), and this license has unused server nodes (for example, the license covers three servers, and only one is installed already). When selecting, the existing license also shows the number of used and remaining nodes, as each product license is issued for the strict number of server nodes to be active on. 

License key 

The key for the new license. 


The new license. 

Install Wizard 

  1. Extract the installation package to the Mobius product folder on your server and launch file. 

  1. Open Mobius product starting page in Chrome.  

  1. On the first launch, the initial configuration is to be performed. Proceed all pages one-by-one entering the data specified in appropriate settings tables. 

  1. After the initial configuration is performed, the Mobius Management Platform Login screen is displayed. 


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