

The SipTargetedRequestInfo class encapsulates information about a targeted SIP request, which the container provides to the application router when invoking the SipApplicationRouter.getNextApplication() method. This class is used specifically when the initial request is targeted, meaning it is directed to a specific user or destination rather than being broad or generic.
By packaging this information, the SipTargetedRequestInfo class enables the application router to make routing decisions based on the details of the targeted request. It helps ensure that the correct application or SIP servlet handles the request in line with the application's routing logic.


public SipTargetedRequestInfo(SipTargetedRequestType targetedRequestType, java.lang.String applicationName)
This constructor creates a SipTargetedRequestInfo object that contains the information needed to assist the application router in making a routing decision for a targeted SIP request. The information includes the type of the targeted request and the name of the application being targeted.
targetedRequestType: Specifies the type of targeted request. Possible values include:

  • ENCODED_URI: The request targets a specific encoded URI.
  • JOIN: The request is intended to join an existing session.
  • REPLACES: The request is meant to replace an existing session.

applicationName: The name of the application that is the target of the request.


public java.lang.String getApplicationName()
Retrieves the name of the next application selected by the application router for handling the targeted request. If the route is external (i.e., not handled by an internal application), this method returns null.
The name of the next application selected, or null if the route is external.

public SipTargetedRequestType getType()
Retrieves the type of the targeted request. The type indicates the purpose or context of the targeted request and will be one of the possible values (JOIN, REPLACES, ENCODED_URI)
The type of the targeted request as a SipTargetedRequestType value.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object:
These methods are not overridden in this implementation.

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