

This enum defines the possible forms of headers in SIP messages. It allows developers to specify how headers should be represented within a SIP message, offering flexibility for compact, long, or container-determined formats.

Enum Constants:

COMPACT: Represents headers in compact form, where header names are abbreviated (e.g., To becomes t, Via becomes v).
LONG: Represents headers in long form, where header names are fully spelled out (e.g., To, From, Via).
DEFAULT: Represents the default form determined by the container. This allows individual headers to be set in either compact or long form as needed.


public static final SipServletMessage.HeaderForm[] values()
An array containing all constants in the HeaderForm enum, in the order they are declared.

public static SipServletMessage.HeaderForm valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Retrieves the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The name must exactly match a declared constant, without extra whitespace.
name: The name of the enum constant to retrieve.
IllegalArgumentException if no constant with the specified name exists in this enum type.

This class inherits methods from java.lang.Object (clone, compareTo, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf) and java.lang.Object (finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait) which are not overridden in this implementation.

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