The SipApplicationSessionActivationListener interface allows objects bound to a SipApplicationSession to listen for container events related to the activation or passivation of the session. Passivation occurs when the session is temporarily persisted or migrated between virtual machines (VMs), while activation occurs when the session is reloaded or restored.
Objects that implement this interface and are bound as attributes to a SipApplicationSession are notified by the container whenever these events occur. This ensures that applications can handle session lifecycle changes, such as reinitializing resources or saving state during migration or persistence.
void sessionWillPassivate(SipApplicationSessionEvent se)
This method is called to notify that a SipApplicationSession is about to be passivated. Passivation occurs when the session is being persisted or migrated by the container. Implementations can use this method to perform tasks such as saving state or releasing resources before the session is passivated.
se: A SipApplicationSessionEvent identifying the application session that is about to be passivated.
void sessionDidActivate(SipApplicationSessionEvent se)
This method is called to notify that a SipApplicationSession has just been activated. Activation occurs when a passivated session is restored by the container. Implementations can use this method to reinitialize resources or perform other tasks needed after activation.
se: A SipApplicationSessionEvent identifying the application session that has just been activated.
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