ServletParseException – Parsing and Validation Exception
The ServletParseException class is a specialized exception that extends ServletException. It is thrown by the SIP servlet container when an application encounters a parsing error while processing malformed headers or addressing structures in SIP messages. This exception helps identify and handle situations where SIP message components do not adhere to the expected syntax or structure.
Being a part of the SIP Servlet API, this class provides applications with a mechanism to detect and manage parsing issues during SIP request or response processing, providing error handling for malformed message components.
public ServletParseException()
Constructs a new ServletParseException with no message. This constructor is used when a ServletParseException is thrown without providing a specific error message.
public ServletParseException(java.lang.String msg)
Constructs a new ServletParseException with the specified message describing the parse error.
msg: A String specifying the detailed error message for the exception.
public ServletParseException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
Constructs a new ServletParseException with the specified detail message and cause. The detail message associated with the cause is not automatically included in this exception's detail message.
message: A String providing the detailed description of the parse error. This message can later be retrieved using the Throwable.getMessage() method.
cause: A Throwable representing the underlying cause of the exception. This can later be retrieved using the Throwable.getCause() method. A null value indicates that the cause is unknown or nonexistent.
public ServletParseException(java.lang.Throwable cause)
Creates a new ServletParseException with the specified cause. The detail message is automatically set to (cause == null ? null : cause.toString()), which includes the class name and detail message of the cause. This constructor is useful when the exception primarily serves as a wrapper for another exception.
cause: A Throwable representing the underlying cause of the exception. It is saved for later retrieval using the Throwable.getCause() method. A null value indicates that the cause is unknown or nonexistent.
Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.ServletException:
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable:
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object:
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait.
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