IPv6 Bootstrapping [RFC5447] AVPs
Diameter Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping Interface
The Diameter Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping Interface provides the necessary Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) functionality to support Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) bootstrapping, as outlined in [RFC4640]. This interface focuses on the Diameter-based communication between the NAS (or Diameter client) and the Home AAA (HAAA) server, integrating MIPv6 service provisioning into the overall network access authentication process.
Purpose of the Diameter Mobile IPv6 Bootstrapping Interface
- AAA for MIPv6 Bootstrapping: During network access, when a mobile node (MN) attaches to an Access Service Provider’s (ASP) network, the NAS/Diameter client not only handles standard network authentication and authorization but also determines if the user is authorized for MIPv6 services. Based on this evaluation and the user's policy profile, the home AAA server may return MIPv6 bootstrapping parameters.
- Integrated Network Access and MIPv6 Configuration: The interface seamlessly integrates the bootstrapping of MIPv6 Home Agent (HA) information (and possibly the assignment of a home link prefix) into the network access procedure, ensuring that the mobile node receives the necessary configuration to initiate Mobile IPv6 operations.
Key Elements and Operational Workflow
- NAS-to-HAAA Communication: The mobile node initially interacts with the NAS/Diameter client during its network attachment. Subsequently, the NAS communicates with the home AAA server over the Diameter-based NAS-to-HAAA interface to perform AAA and MIPv6 service authorization.
- MIPv6 Bootstrapping Parameters: When the AAA process determines that the mobile node is authorized for MIPv6, the home AAA server may provide bootstrapping parameters. These parameters can include details about the Home Agent and, in some cases, the home link prefix required for MIPv6 operation.
- Integration with Network Access Authentication: MIPv6 bootstrapping is incorporated into the overall network access authentication process. This ensures that the delivery of MIPv6 configuration parameters is part of the initial attachment and authorization workflow, rather than relying solely on mechanisms such as DHCPv6.
Operational Workflow
Mobile Node Network Attachment:
- The mobile node attaches to the ASP’s network and initiates a network access procedure.
- During this procedure, the mobile node interacts with the NAS/Diameter client.
AAA Request and MIPv6 Service Evaluation:
- The NAS/Diameter client sends an AAA (AA-Request) message to the home AAA server over the NAS-to-HAAA interface.
- The home AAA server processes the AAA request, performing standard authentication and authorization while also checking if the mobile node is authorized for MIPv6 services.
Provisioning of MIPv6 Bootstrapping Parameters:
- Based on the service authorization and the user's policy profile, the home AAA server may return MIPv6 bootstrapping-related parameters (e.g., HA information and possibly a home link prefix) in its AAA response.
- These parameters enable the NAS/Diameter client to configure the mobile node for MIPv6 operation.
Subsequent Mobile IPv6 Configuration:
- Although the interface facilitates the delivery of MIPv6 bootstrapping information, it does not address the establishment of the Security Association (SA) between the mobile node and the Home Agent.
- The creation and management of the SA occur after the bootstrapping process and are handled by separate procedures.
For complete technical specification of Diameter MIPv6 interface in Diameter protocol please refer to: [RFC5447]
package com.mobius.software.telco.protocols.diameter.primitives.rfc5447
Name |
AVP Code |
Data Type |
Vendor |
MIP6-Agent-Info |
486 |
Grouped |
Used to provide the necessary information for assigning a Home Agent (HA) to a Mobile Node (MN) in Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) environments. It can include details about the HA's address, hostname, and home link prefix to support various deployment scenarios, including Dual Stack Mobile IPv6 (DSMIPv6). This AVP supports deployments where the HA may have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, making it suitable for dual-stack mobility management. The AVP structure is defined as follows: MIP-Home-Agent-Address (Optional, Multiple): Specifies one or more addresses of the Home Agent assigned to the MN. Max Occurrence: 2. Preferred over MIP-Home-Agent-Host when both are present. MIP-Home-Agent-Host (Optional): Provides hostname and realm details, useful for discovering HAs within the same domain or group. Helps locate HAs based on realm information rather than specific IP addresses. MIP6-Home-Link-Prefix (Optional): Specifies the IPv6 prefix for the MN's home link. Indicates prefix delegation information for home network assignment. |
MIP6-Feature-Vector |
124 |
Unsigned64 |
Used to indicate supported capabilities of the NAS (Network Access Server) or ASP (Access Service Provider) related to Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) bootstrapping scenarios. It contains a 64-bit flags field, where each bit represents a specific capability or feature supported by the NAS or authorized by the Diameter server. Both NAS and Diameter server MUST support sending and receiving this AVP with a value of 0, which does not indicate any specific features but ensures compatibility. The NAS can include this AVP in a request to indicate supported features, and the Diameter server can respond with authorized features in the answer message. Supports scenarios where local Home Agents (HAs) can be assigned outside the home realm, either as a preference or a requirement, based on specific flags. Flags Defined: MIP6_INTEGRATED (0x0000000000000001): Indicates support for Mobile IPv6 integrated scenario bootstrapping. Request Use: Set by NAS to request integrated bootstrapping functionality. Response Use: Set by Diameter server to confirm authorization for integrated bootstrapping. LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT (0x0000000000000002): Requests or authorizes assignment of a local HA (outside the home realm). Request Use: Set by NAS to request a local HA assignment. Response Use: Set by Diameter server to confirm authorization for assigning a local HA. Multiple HA Assignments in Dual-Stack Scenarios: NAS requests both IPv4 and IPv6 HAs by combining the LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT flag with multiple MIP6-Agent-Info AVPs. The Diameter server responds with details about assigned HAs, ensuring compatibility with DSMIPv6. |
MIP6-Home-Link-Prefix |
125 |
OctetString |
Used to specify the Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) home network prefix information for a Mobile Node (MN). The home network prefix is encoded in network byte order and consists of: Prefix Length (8 bits): Specifies the length of the prefix in bits. Prefix Field (128 bits): Contains the IPv6 prefix padded with zeroes beyond the prefix length. Encoding Requirements:
Prefix Assignment Scenarios:
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